CCR was born and its main headquarters was located in Yopal Casanare.
Pipeline coating change in Cusiana gas pipeline.
Construction of civil, electrical, instrumentation and control work in Araguaney Station for the project Scada crudos Ecopetrol.
Revision and technical support of detail engineering for the project: design, construction and expansion and start up of Jagua del Pilar, Curumani, Puerto Lebrija compression station. For the expansion from Cusiana to Ballena.
La jagua del pilar - Guajira
Curumani - César
Puerto Lebrija - San Alberto César.
and chance its name to CCR Ingenieros Asociados S.A.S.
CCR was certified with RUC certification of Consejo Colombiano de Seguridad.
Civil, electrical, fire & gas and instrumentations designs for the Termoyopal Gas Plant. Construction and assembly of electrical and instrumentation works for pipelines and truck loading of the Termoyopal Gas Plant.
CCR was certified with ISO 9001 certification with SGS Colombia.
Elaboration of detail engineering of Campo Tua Station.
CCR was certified with ISO 14001 Certification with SGS Colombia.
Execution of civil, mechanical, electrical and instrumentation works, pre-commissionnig and star up of the Sabana Gas Compression Station.
Steel Prefabricados y Estructuras S.A.S. was born as a business unit of CCR Ingenieros Asociados.
Construction and assembly of a Jobo Gas Treatment Plant of 100 MMSCFD.
Paratebueno Gas Compression Station.
Villavicencio Gas Compression Station.
Construction and follow up in the commissioning and start up of the Jobo Gas Treatment Plant with a capacity 130 MMSCFD.
Jobo Gas Treatment Plant of 130 MMSCFD
Reengineering and construction of a Paiva Gas Compression Station of 141 MMSCFD
Design and construction of the acustic barriers at the Filadelfia and Paiva Gas Compression Stations.
CCR was certified with ISO 45001 certification with SGS Colombia.